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MASKED Open Practice Drop In (12+)

Masks required for this open practice!
Level: mixed level
Mondays 7:45-9pm starting July 10 and ending August 14 (10 spots available)
Saturdays 1:45-3pm starting July 15 and ending August 19 (3 spots available)

Students will be given a zone in the room with aerial points, access to equipment, and space for ground skills. Please note that this a time for self practice and students should only sign up if they feel prepared to practice material they have been learning in class. There will always be a moderator on site for support with rigging, equipment, and space needs. Circus Culture has various resources to help students learn how to practice on their own - if you are not sure if this is the right fit, contact us before signing up so we can support you. Advance sign up on pike 13 is necessary to join in on open practice (no walk ins).

Pre-requisites: Participation in classes at Circus Culture.